Wednesday, August 29, 2012

VV Mineral: achievements

VV Mineral: achievements

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V.V. Mineral (VVM) is India's largest Mining, Manufacturer and Exporter of Garnet & Ilmenite. At the global level, we are poised to rise above our number two position. VVM is the first private ILMENITE Exporter in India. Established in 1989, we have achieved significant market share in Europe, Middle East, East Asia, Australia and USA. 

We owe our success to our primary objective -Customer Delight and Satisfaction - providing the best quality of Garnet, Ilmenite, Rutile and Zircon in lesser lead times at globally competitive prices.


Phone: +91 4637 272365 Phone: +91 4637 272363
Fax : +91 4637 271802 Fax : +91 4637 272747

Ilmenite: Our exclusive distributor for supply across the world 

Australasian Minerals & Trading Pty Ltd.,
Suite 7, Second Floor, 2 Centro Avenue, Subiaco WA 6008 Australia
Phone : 00 61 8 9381 5000
Fax : 00 61 8 9381 5011
E-mail :
Contact Person : Mr. Grant Smith

Ilmenite is a placer mineral found only in some parts of the world. It has a great demand for many industries for its utilities vary from pigment industry to steel industry. Over 96% of the world wide use of Ilmenite are in titanium dioxide TiO2 form that has a wide range of strategic applications. The chief ores of Titanium are Ilmenite and Rutile, which is again a derivative of Ilmenite.

They appear in various shape and sizes but generally they are square shaped and tubular in form. Their corners are rounded / flattened but they are mostly euhedral to subhedral in nature.

V.V. Mineral Started production of Ilmenite in early 2000 in anticipation of the granting of the export license and our first Ilmenite was delivered to our customer in October 2000.

Zircon- This glassy mineral has found its place in many an industrial application worldwide. Starting from ceramics and refractory tiles to a range of high-tech applications. Zircon compounds have a very low toxicity and are not perceived as a potential environmental hazard. They are even said to have some medicinal properties and are now increasingly preferred in the manufacture of food products and pharmaceuticals too. 

Zircon's exceptional qualities of hardness and durability makes it a must-use for the manufacture of ceramics and refractory tiles and also for a range of other high-tech applications such as armour plating on military aircraft, heat shield in space shuttles and potentially as solid oxide fuel cells in hydrogen powered vehicles in many industrial and chemical applications.

The Industrial zircon ceramics are extensively used as linings to protect furnaces and kilns for smelting of metals because they can retain their physical and chemical composition even when subjected to high temperatures. Zircon application is mainly confined to mould faces and cores, which directly come in contact with molten metal. Zircon sand helps in minimising the penetration of mould by the molten metal and thus ensures that the casting gets a good surface finish. 

It is predominantly used as a glaze material and as an opacifier to provide shine and brightness for crockery, sanitary ware, Ceramic tiles, other decorative ceramic products and is also widely used in television and computer screens. Resistance to corrosion and erosion makes zircon products ideal for use in the chemical industry and in desalination plants. 

Zircon is a key raw material used in the production of opacifiers, glazes and frits, floor and decorative tiles, sanitary ware, glass and steel refractories, metal castings and specialised glass. Consumption of zircon products in the manufacture of faceplates for TV monitors and computer screens continues to increase, particularly in developing countries. The increased use of zirconium chemicals and zirconia in various applications continues with China being in the forefront of new production facilities to service these industries. Recently announced construction of additional nuclear power stations in China and South Korea will create continued demand for zirconium metal in this very specialised market.
The current driving force in zircon demand is both in China and India where the various consuming industries have expanded across the board, increasing usage to the extent that global demand now exceeds global production capacity. A rundown of stock levels both in producer and consumer hands has created a severe shortage of material to the extent that some industries have been required to close. This imbalance will continue to exist until the arrival of new production sources, currently planned to come on line in 2006. 

Zircon is a hard, glassy mineral used for the manufacture of ceramics and refractories and also in a range of other high-tech industrial and chemical applications. It is used extensively for ceramic glazes - most commonly seen in kitchen tiles, dinner ware, bathroom products and decorative ceramics.
Industrial ceramics made using zircon are used for heat and abrasion resistance. Some industrial ceramics are referred to as refractories - materials that retain their physical shape and chemical composition when subjected to very high temperatures. With a melting point of around 18,000C, these refractories are used as linings to protect furnaces and kilns for smelting metals and for the manufacture of chemicals.
Resistance to corrosion and erosion makes zircon products ideal for use in the chemical industry and in desalination plants. One of the early discoveries for zircon use was for the manufacture of phosphates for kidney dialysis. Zircon compounds have a very low toxicity and are now increasingly preferred in the manufacture of some foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and medicines. It is even used in toothpaste to prevent tooth decay
The increased use of zirconium chemicals and zirconia in various applications continues with China being in the forefront of new production facilities to service these industries. Recently announced construction of additional nuclear power stations in China and South Korea will create continued demand for zirconium metal in this very specialised market. 

The current driving force in zircon demand is both in China and India where the various consuming industries have expanded across the board, increasing usage to the extent that global demand now exceeds global production capacity. A rundown of stock levels both in producer and consumer hands has created a severe shortage of material to the extent that some industries have been required to close. This imbalance will continue to exist until the arrival of new production sources, currently planned to come on line in 2006. 

With a melting point of around 18,000C, these refractories are used as linings to protect furnaces and kilns for smelting metals and for the manufacture of chemicals. 

Resistance to corrosion and erosion makes zircon products ideal for use in the chemical industry and in desalination plants.

Rutile is an interesting, varied and important mineral. Rutile is a major ore of titanium, a metal used for high tech alloys because of its light weight, high strength and resistance to corrosion.

General Description : 

Heavy mineral sand containing titanium 


Black/ Brown sand Titanium minerals are used in the production of titanium dioxide pigment. Pure white, highly refractive, ultra violet absorbing, non toxic and inert, titanium pigments are used in protective coatings, such as house and car paints, sunscreens, plastics, paper and textiles, as well as a growing number of foodstuffs and cosmetics.
The combination of strength and lightness of titanium metal makes it an ideal material for advanced engineering applications, architectural coatings, the aerospace industry and in a range of other applications, including sports equipment and jewellery. Titanium minerals also act as a fluxing agent in welding electrodes that are used extensively in shipbuilding and construction. Iluka is a major global supplier of consistently high quality titanium mineral products preferred by many customers, with an industry market share of more than 20%. Iluka’s operations are located in Australia and the United States, both stable operating environments with low political risk.

Our brand - Super Garnet - is a non - metallic naturally obtainable mineral abrasive mined from the beaches of the Gulf of Mannar. The grains have a unique curved cubical form as a result of hundreds of years under wave action. During mining and processing there is no grinding or breaking of particles. Hence, Super Garnet is a genuine virgin almandine garnet belonging to the gem family. Almandine garnet is the heaviest and hardest of garnets, and can withstand more cutting speed and maintain low dust levels. With its crystalline shape giving a fast cutting action and longer life span, Super Garnet is highly efficient and effective as an abrasive.

Our Product is of the highest quality and is compliant to ISO 11126-10 Standard. Added to its natural value as a semi- precious stone, Super Garnet's uniqueness justifies the title "Gem of an Abrasive".

Natural grain sizes from 106 m to 2000
Specific weight of 4.1 g/cm³
Average bulk density of 2.4 g/cm³
Highly stable, non- hygroscopic, inert and not susceptible to acid
Does not contaminate surfaces of non-ferrous materials
Exhibits high toughness with a very low particle breakdown on impact
Does not contain Free Silica

Thorium in ilmenite and its radiological implications in the production of titanium dioxide
P. P. Haridasan*, P. M. B. Pillai, R. M. Tripathi and V. D. Puranik
+ Author Affiliations

Environmental Assessment Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Health Physics Unit, Indian Rare Earths Ltd, Udyogamandal 683 501, Kerala, India
*Corresponding author:
Received July 18, 2007.
Revision received August 23, 2007.
Accepted September 3, 2007.

This study gives the results of measurements of 232Th and 228Ra in the titanium mineral ilmenite and its derived products and an assessment of related radiological issues in mineral separation and titanium dioxide production plants in India. The concentrations of 232Th and 228Ra in ilmenite, synthetic rutile and TiO2 are presented along with percent distribution of the radionuclides in different stages of process. External gamma exposure rates and airborne thorium levels in plants processing such minerals are studied. The study estimated a potential external gamma exposure of 1 mSv and an inhalation dose of 0.7 mSv annually to the occupational worker due to the presence of naturally occurring radioactive material in these industries. The concentrations of the nuclides in liquid effluent and solid wastes are analysed, and disequilibria with respect to 228Ra are observed.

Radiat Prot Dosimetry (2008) 129 (4): 381-385.
doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncm446
First published online: October 19, 2007 Oxford Journal

Concentration of uranium and thorium in the product and by-productof amang and ilmenite tailings process

Husin Wagiran, and Lim , Say Eng and Lee , Siak Kuan and Mohamad Yasin Sudin, (2005) Concentration of uranium and thorium in the product and by-productof amang and ilmenite tailings process. Sains Malaysiana, 34 (1). pp. 45-50. ISSN 0126-6039

Full text not available from this repository.

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Amang are by-products obtained when tailings are processed into concentrated ores and other economical products such as monazite, (Ce, La, Th)PO4; zircon, ZrSiO4; ilmenite, FeTiO3; struverit; and xenotime, YPO4. Its could be extracted from amang for further usage. Tailings from these ores may have a significant potential to cause elevated radiation exposures. This project was carried out to measure the concentration of uranium and thorium in the waste and products produced after the processing of the amang and ilmenite ore. The concentration of uranium and thorium was determined using gamma ray spectrometer with HPGe detector. The concentration of uranium was determined by measuring the intensity of gamma ray emitted from its daughter nuclei 214Pb at 352 keV and 214Bi at 609 keV while the concentration of thorium was determined by measuring the intensity of gamma rays emitted from its daughter nuclei 228Ac at 911 keV and 208Tl at 583 keV. The concentration of uranium and thorium in ppm obtained in this study are as follows: raw amang (83 -383) and (174 - 1566); ilmenite (149 - 290) and (301- 575); monazite (2303 - 4070) and (9641 – 60061); zircon (963 - 1192) and (353 - 583) and waste (22 - 98) and (44 - 223) respectively. Rutile and iron oxide was obtained from ilmenite. The concentration of uranium and thorium in rutile was 50 and 72 ppm and from iron oxide was 336 and 379 ppm respectively. These values are considered high compare to normal sand and could pose danger to the surrounding.
Item Type: Article
Keywords: Amang; Uranium; Thorium; Ilmenite
Journal: Sains Malaysiana
ID Code: 3905
Deposited By: Mr Fazli Nafiah -
Deposited On: 26 Mar 2012 09:27
Last Modified: 26 Mar 2012 09:27

Dear Sir,

Wishing you a good day!

We take great pleasure in introducing ourselves as one of the largest mineral manufacturers in India exporting about 3,50,000 tonnes of beach sand minerals like Garnet, Ilmenite, zircon, and Rutile .

We are in the field for past two decades. We have 7 ISO certified manufacturing facilities located along the southern coastal lines of Tamilnadu. We have won many national and state awards for our performance and quality. The important one being the CAPEXIL award instituted by the Ministry of commerce and Industry, which we have won seventeen times continuously since 1991. A visit to our web page www will throw more light on us.

Thanking you,

Titanium.—VV Minerals, which was India’s newest ilmenite 
producer, produced ilmenite from beach sands at its mine near 
Kanyakumari on the southeastern coast of Tamil Nadu. The 
company had a production capacity of 130,000 t/yr of sulfategrade ilmenite. The deposit had resources estimated to be more 
than 5 Mt of recoverable ilmenite (Mining Journal, 2002f).
Tisco was to conduct a $3 million feasibility study for a 
titanium dioxide pigment plant in Tamil Nadu. If the project was 
viable, then the company was considering the construction of a 
$307 million production facility. Tisco signed a memorandum 
of understanding with the state Government concerning electric, 
land, and water supplies for the project (Mining Journal, 2002k).

Source: The Mineral Industry of India by Chino S. Kuo in: The Mineral Industry of India 2002

Selection Committee has 
unanimously approved the nominations of following export award winners for 2005-06:

Best EOU – SSI : M/s V.V. Mineral MEPZ SEZ (Rs.58.12 Cr) 

Warehouse / Production Capacity
VVM's huge annual output of 1,50,000 metric tonnes of Garnet Abrasive, 2,25,000 metric tonnes of Ilmenite, 12,000 Metric Tonnes of Zircon and 5000 Metric Tonnes of Rutile is due to our control of a 15km beach area with continuous placer mineral deposits plus another 2,300 acres of heavy mineral - rich land.
VVM has an annual output of 150,000 M.Tons of Garnet Abrasive and 2,25,000 M.Tons of Ilmenite.

V.V. Mineral (VVM) is India's largest Mining, Manufacturer and Exporter of Garnet & Ilmenite. At the global level, we are poised to rise above our number two position. VVM is the first private ILMENITE Exporter in India. Established in 1989, we have achieved significant market share in Europe, Middle East, East Asia, Australia and USA.

VVM's huge annual output of 1,50,000 metric tonnes of Garnet Abrasive, 2,25,000 metric tonnes of Ilmenite, 12,000 Metric Tonnes of Zircon and 5000 Metric Tonnes of Rutile is due to our control of a 15km beach area with continuous placer mineral deposits plus another 2,300 acres of heavy mineral - rich land. We are also the first private company in India holding granted license for Mining and Exporting of Ilmenite from the Government of India.

VVM has an annual output of 150,000 M.Tons of Garnet Abrasive and 2,25,000 M.Tons of Ilmenite. Garnet Abrasive mainly used for Water Filtration, Sand Blasting, Water Jet Cutting, Surface Preparation and other applications; 

Ilmenite mainly used for Welding Electrode, Pigment, Glass and other Industries; Rutile mainly used for TiO2 pigment , Welding electrodes, Titanium metal and pigment industries and Zircon mainly used for in the production of opacifiers, glazes and frits, floor and decorative tiles, sanitary ware, glass and steel refractories, metal castings and specialised glass.
We owe our success to our primary objective -Customer Delight and Satisfaction - providing the best quality of Garnet, Ilmenite, Rutile and Zircon in lesser lead times at globally competitive prices. We have achieved this by strengthening the areas of human resource management, modernisation, logistics, finance and infrastructure. The numerous awards and recognitions from various governmental and non-governmental agencies stand testimony to this. We are also proud to state that V.V. Mineral has, since establishment, never had a single rejection-another testimony to our total quality management systems.

All these achievements have been made possible because of the unique properties and superlative advantages of our product - Super Garnet and other products.

Our corporate policy of having autonomous departments has ensured the evolution of VVM as a prompt and responsive organization catering to our clients' multifarious needs. The company's special focus on the quality of our production team has translated into higher quality products and lesser lead times by adopting ISO System. Our streamlined mining, processing, logistics and warehousing facilities augment this focus.

Mr. S. Vaikundarajan Chairman & Managing Director
Mr. S. Jegatheesan Managing Director
Mr. V. Subramanian Managing Director
Mr. J. Muthurajan Managing Director

V. V. Mineral is the first company in India to have been conferred the 'Export House' status for export of heavy minerals issued by the Development Commissioner, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.

Since 1990, VVM has been continuously receiving prestigious awards and recognition from various chambers of commerce and industry, and the government.

VVM are the winners of 'Special Export Award' from CAPEXIL (Chemicals & Allied Products Export Promotion Council, which functions under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India) consecutively for the past 16 years (from 1990- '91 to 2006- 07).

VVM has got the 'No. 1 Garnet Exporter Award' issued by the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tuticorin from last 9 years.

VVM is the proud recipient of the coveted 'National Productivity Award' for the year 1999- 2000 from the National Productivity Council, New Delhi – which was received from the Hon’ble Vice President of India. V.V. Mineral got the following awards from Government of Tamilnadu and other reputed organizations for its sterling export performance:

' Excellence Award ' from Department of Industries and Commerce for the years 1990- '91, 1993- '94 

' Certificate Of Excellence For Traffic Performance ' from Tuticorin Port Trust during the years 1993-'94 and 1995- '96 

' Certificate Of Export Recognition ' from Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tuticorin for four consecutive years from 1993- '94 to 2006-07.

' Export Award '  from Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the years 1995, 1996 – 2006-07.

VVM got the “MADITSSIA – VISVESWARAYA AWARD” 5 times for best organization and industry in the Southern District of TAMILNADU.


A special award bestowed upon the top-ranking export house that excels in all aspects of exporting norms. The award is superior to other awards such as "Certificate of Merit".
Recognised Approvals
Corporate Member of :Quality Certificate from :Quality Certificate from :
Society for Protective Coatings
California Air Resource Board
2. We are an one of the Corporate Membership on SSPC. The Society for protective Coatings - Organizational Membership Seals.
3. The Saudi Aramco also approved our products for various applications

There are five wet plants situated close to the mining areas for up-grading the mined ore in mining area itself. There are six dry plants situated close to the mining areas and equipped with state-of-the-art machinery. The plants are equipped with machines from ERIEZ - USA, Linatex, Corona Stat from Australia, Rotex screens from USA and MINOX Grading Machinery imported from Germany. Most of our Australian equipments are from Downer EDI Mining, Australia (Previously Roche Mining). Most of our processing machinery is imported, and wherever necessary, indigenous designs have been adopted by our own team of Engineers and R&D. The total capacity of the machinery is about 14,000 metric tonnes of Garnet and 20,000 metric tonnes of ilmenite, 1000 metric tones of Zircon, 500 M.Tons of Rutile per month. An autonomous quality control department is responsible for implementation of rigorous quality control checks in order to maintain our zero-rejection track record.

V.V. Mineral is the only company in India with a 15km stretch of beach area under a mining lease for 40 years. This ensures a continuous deposition of placer minerals from the Gulf of Mannar. The gulf's geological characteristics, typical wave action and beach structure make it a highly valuable zone for continuous deposition of heavy minerals like Garnet, Ilmenite, Rutile and Zircon. Another 2,300 acres of heavy minerals-rich land add to our total annual output of 150,000 metric tonnes of garnet ,2,25,000 metric tonnes of ilmenite, 12000 M.Tons of Zircon and 5000 M.Tons of Rutile.

India has the largest mineral sand resources in the world. These are also among the least exploited resources and have a high potential to meet the world's immediate need for titanium dioxide. India has a resource of 278 million tons of the 460 million tons of the world's known reserves.

You may also contact any of our distributors across the globe at:

Abu Dhabi Construction Company
P.O. Box No. 56180, Abudhabi, U.A.E.
Phone : + 971 2 4455800 / 4455474
Fax : + 971 2 4459789
E-mail :
Contact Person : Mr. Husam M. Al Khateeb

Poststrasse 5, D-46535, Dinslaken,
Phone: +49 2064 60914 - 11 Fax: +49 2064 60914-10
Contact Person: Mr. Peter Ley

STEAG Power Minerals GmbH
Duisburger Strasse 170 D-46535, Dinslaken Germany
Phone : + 49 2064 608 307
Fax : + 49 2064 608 347
E-mail :
Contact Person : Mr. Marcus Klenke

Pan Abrasives (Pte) Ltd
2, Woodlands Sector 1, #05-20 Woodlands Spectrum I, Singapore 738 068
Phone : + 65 68616988
Fax : + 65 68610919
E-mail :
Contact Person : Ms. Fiona Chai

Industrial Minerals (N.Z) Ltd.,
Unit I 44-46 Constellation Drive, North Shore, Auckland, 0751, New Zealand
Phone :+ 64 9 476 2376 / 2378
Free Phone : 800 646 3725 ( 800 MINERAL)
Fax : + 64 9 476 2378
Contact Person : Mr. Evan Thornton
Committed to: Real People, Real Service, Real Value 

Barton Mines Company LLC,
6 Warren Steeet, Glens Falls, NY 12801 USA.
Phone : + 1 518 798 5462
Fax : + 1 518 798 5728
E-mail :
Contact Person : Mr. Cliff Summers

MBN Trading Sdn. Bhd.
Suite 5-04, Plaza 138, Jalan Ampang, 50450 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Phone : + 60 3 2161 5557
Fax : + 60 3 2161 4557
E-mail :
Contact Person : Mr. Nazer ( Director)

SB International
Stripping & Blasting Engineering
Works C-503, Garden5, 289 Munjeong-dong,
Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea.
Phone : +82 2 2047 1414
Fax : +82 2 2047 1418
Contact Person : Mr.S.K.Kim, President

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