Saturday, September 1, 2012

$15 Billion hole in the ground. Thorium for clean energy

$15 Billion hole in the ground. Thorium for clean energy $15 Billion hole in the ground. NUCLEAR WASTE AUGUST 26, 2012 Yucca mountain. Only in America can you vote for family values at Chic-Fil-A or have a congressman on the Science and Technology Committee tell the world on TV that women have the ability to prevent pregnancy when raped. The global warming debate is a politically motivated distraction that prevents the US congress (on both sides) from dealing with alternative energy solutions for oil dependence. As our nation moves toward electric cars, neither Politian (Rep or Dem) nor manufactures have explained how we will use less oil to generate more Kilowatt Hours. The US has over 700 oil power plants and 100 Nuclear Plants. In January 2011 Duke Energy agreed to purchase Progress Energy, and after shareholders approved, this $26 billion deal was approved by federal regulators in June 2012. The combined company will operate 12 power reactors, the largest regulated nuclear fleet in the USA including Westinghouse AP1000 reactors. H.R. 909, supported by NC Representatives Virginia Foxx & Patrick T. McHenry, directs the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to: (1) issue operating permits for 200 new commercial nuclear reactors, and (2) establish a process for licensing facilities for the recycling of spent nuclear fuel. Bryan Dolan, vice president of nuclear development at Duke Energy Corp "When we remove fuel from the core after its final usage, we store it in a pool on site”. Since the 1990s, the Department of Energy has been working to treat and remove contamination on the 310-square-mile Savannah River S.C. Site. Recovery funds totaling $1.6 billion are allowing DOE to accelerate the Savannah River Site efforts. As of this month, plans to store nuclear waste at Nevada's Yucca Mountain have been defunded and abandoned because of two decades of legal challenges and political opposition from the state. The federal government already has spent about $15 billion, including $9.5 billion collected from industry; on the Yucca facility located about 100 miles from Las Vegas. At least nine states have banned the construction of new reactors until a permanent storage site is found for thousands of years. At what point will the public (we the people) demand congress to do something to solve the problem of approximately 2000 tons generated each year or 57,000 tons of nuclear material stored around the country? Is this the work of the Science and Technology Committee? Do we the people want to re-elect the people that approved this $15 Billion hole in the ground or support 200 more nuclear plants without waste storage? Are they qualified to solve our energy problems? Thorium is abundant, safe and clean energy - and a way to burn up radioactive waste. Thorium reactors present no proliferation risk, and because they solve the safety problems associated with earlier reactors, they will be able to use reasonable rather than obsessive standards for security and reliability. This results in less capital cost to build thorium reactors, fundamentally changing the economics of nuclear power. Our target cost for energy cheaper than from coal is $0.03/kWh at a capital cost of $2/watt of generating capacity. Coal costs $40 per ton, contributing $0.02/kWh to electrical energy costs. One ton of Thorium @$300,000 can power a 1,000 megawatt LFTR for a year. Fuel costs for thorium would be only $0.00004/kWh. Duke plants include Turkey Point, The NRC safety review is scheduled to be completed late in 2013, and the environmental review in 2014. William States Lee III plant at a new site near Charlotte in Cherokee County, South Carolina; Duke spent $53 million on licensing, planning and pre-construction activities for the plant in 2011. The environmental review for NRC is due to be completed early in 2013, and the first unit could be on line in 2021. Harris 2 & 3 two AP1000 units at its Shearon Harris site at New Hill in North Carolina; The Company is seeking a loan guarantee and is considering regional partnerships to build the plant, though it has not yet committed to proceed. Expansion of the plant will require raising the water level of Harris Lake by 6 meters, and relying on the Cape Fear River as backup cooling water. To support expanding public knowledge on energy options including Thorium Reactors sign the petition.

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